lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


Mm there is a problem with this activity. Let's say we didn't go so much to the Congress. But, ok, let's try it.

The best conference was of Theodonio Do Santos, a Brazilian sociologist (and economist too) that spoke about the world capitalist juncture. He proposes that in studies about capitalism it is necesary to study State: it is instrument to solve the acumulations necesities of the contemporary capitalism, that have to create new forms of adaptations to continue its expansion. The burgueoise, in the "concentrated form of State", develop its mode of domination like that actually. And in that way is solving the financial problems of this period. But now, the problems are exceeding this instrument, wich is getting more and more week. So, the conclution is: there is a estructural problem on the capitalism actually.

Days after, however, the central discussion was: how the capitalism can be now in a estructural problem now, if is in its most hide period of developed? That was a very good answer, but I dont know it very well, so I won't continue explaining it.

Well, out of the Congress subject, the issue was: drink to much beer, eat a lot (less the last day [and the day of my birtdhay]), and to know people from other countries. Doing that, I lean a lot about a important sociology issue: how is the Chilean society. I realized about that Santiago is a city too bad buildt, with poor and few public places, and with a depoliticized society that is (in this period) up start, haughty and rightist. Very bad period, but at least I have denatured it.

1 comentario:

  1. sociology is everywhere, you only have to take a look out there! xD ñañañaña
