lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

My Faculty

Never I had followed the questions one by one; I prefer to write in a free way. But, as Judy TOLD me do it as an obligation, I'm fucked.
1. The situation is a Faculty which has four degrees. A problem here is that one degree, Education, doesn't considerate is self as a social science. For that, have different opinions and points of view at the moment of to make political diagnostics and generate own positions related to the other degrees. The other degrees, that are Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology, are the rest of the Faculty. Also, and is the most important aspect, the current situation shows degrees without a definite orientation who, with the expansion of market, just follow it.
2. The things are needed to improve are new political-academics lines to re-structure the orientation of our disciplines, to start to finish the expansion of Market in the objectives of our sciences and to star to build public orientations: disciplines working at the service of the majorities of Chilean people and his main problems of inequality.
3. The first steps to dealing with this situation and to reach these objectives is to create a political force, among students and academics, who wants to revisit the abandoned project of Universidad de Chile as a public university at the service of Chile.
4. This situation only will be resolved only in the political dimension: by creating a new program to all the university, approved and supported by the high positions of the institution, who will re-structure all the degrees and faculties. That is to say, the problem exceeds this Faculty.
5. The real impact of these improvements (turnerd-from a big one political improvement) will and would be: (1) a more equality access to this University; (2) more autonomy and financing to the faculties and its investigations; (3) more activities and products to the civil society.
6. The steps are, first, to create a political force. After that, there will be two roads which have to be done: in one hand, an movement of construction of public activities, as free and alternative classes, forums, etc., to legitimate this idea; in the other hand, political pressing, as manifestations for example, to generate changes in the universitary policy.

1 comentario:

  1. Why don't you change your blog name to agringaputagunagainstmyheadandmademedoit????
